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Mridul Jain Mridul Jain

The Ultimate Guide: How to Teach Your Child to Read with Confidence 

Teaching a child to read is a journey that varies greatly from one child to another, typically taking anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Early reading is crucial as it sets the stage for a child’s future academic success. This variance largely depends on the child’s learning abilities, age, and the teaching methods employed. Whether through traditional books or online reading platforms, guiding a child on their reading journey requires patience, understanding, and the right strategies to foster school and life success.

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Mridul Jain Mridul Jain

Understanding Childhood Mental Health: A Guide to Early Detection and Support

Children's mental health encompasses their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences how they think, feel, and act both within their families and in broader social contexts. This facet of health is crucial throughout childhood and into adulthood, interacting with their physical health and their ability to succeed academically and socially.

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